diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9c99f91..53f1ac8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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# Antares ESP8266 MQTT
-**On progress**
+A Library to simplify the process of MQTT publication and subscription to Antares IoT Platform using ESP8266.
+This library works under Arduino environment.
+## Dependencies
+All library dependencies are already included in this package. There is no need to download another library in order to make this work.
+* [ArduinoJson by bblanchon](https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson)
+* [PubSubClient by knolleary](https://github.com/knolleary/pubsubclient)
+## Installation
+**Arduino IDE**
+**Powered by Telkom Indonesia**
-A Library to simplify the process of MQTT publication and subscription to Antares IoT Platform.