- Click this badge to clone this repo to a new repl in Replit -> [![Run on Repl.it](https://replit.com/badge/github/hackermondev/discord-active-developer)](https://replit.com/new/github/hackermondev/discord-active-developer)
- You will be redirected to Replit, you might have to create an account (you can Register with Google)
- Wait for the repo has finished cloning and the repl to full connect
- Click the green "Run" button at the top
- Go to the console (big black square on the right) and paste in the token you copied earlier (**Note**: ``CTRL + V`` won't work, you'll need to do ``CTRL + Shift + V`` or right-click and click paste
- Use this invite link to add the application to the server: (replace ``{applicationid}`` with what you copied) ``https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id={applicationid}&scope=bot%20applications.commands&permissions=105227086912``
- In the server, go to a channel and use the ``/ping`` command on the bot
- Go to the <https://discord.com/developers/active-developer> page and register everything (**if it says you're not eligible, it's because you're not registered in their system yet. you might have to wait up to 24 hours**)
If you're encounting any issues, [create a new GitHub issue](https://github.com/hackermondev/discord-active-developer/issues) or join (this)[https://discord.gg/M5MSE9CvNM] server and ping me in the #general channel.
If you were able to successfully get the badge from this, star this repository so more people can see it and feel free to join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/M5MSE9CvNM