2019-11-07 23:26:55 +07:00
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2020-01-02 16:38:14 +07:00
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color: white;
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< span > × < / span >
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< / nav >
< / header >
< div id = "main" >
< h1 >
< img id = "rcon" src = "assets/icon.png" >
Ryzen Controller
< span id = "version" class = "uk-badge" > < / span >
< a class = "uk-badge" id = "donation" title = "Buy us some beers ❤️" href = "#" onClick = "require('electron').shell.openExternal('https://www.patreon.com/ryzencontrollerteam')" > Patreon< / a >
< a class = "uk-badge" id = "discord" title = "Join us on discord" href = "#" onClick = "require('electron').shell.openExternal('https://discord.gg/EahayUv')" > Discord< / a >
< a class = "uk-badge" id = "light" title = "Light Mode" href = "index.html" > < i class = "fas fa-sun" > < / i > < / a >
< a class = "uk-badge" id = "dark" title = "Dark Mode (BETA)" href = "index-dark.html" > < i class = "fas fa-moon" > < / i > < / a >
< / h1 >
< ul uk-switcher = "animation: uk-animation-fade" uk-tab uk-tab uk-sticky = "top: 56; offset: 32px; animation: uk-animation-slide-top;" class = "uk-background-default uk-margin-remove" id = "main-container-selector" >
< li > < a href = "#" > Presets< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#" > Settings< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#" > Releases< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#" > Logs< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#" > System Info< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#" > Tutorial< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< ul class = "uk-switcher uk-margin-remove" id = "main-container" uk-height-viewport = "expand: true" style = "position:relative;" >
< li class = "uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom uk-container" >
< div id = "presetTab" > < / div >
< p class = "uk-margin" >
< button class = "uk-button uk-button-secondary" uk-toggle = "target: #modal-export-preset" type = "button" onClick = "preset_export()" >
2019-11-07 23:26:55 +07:00
< / button >
2020-01-02 16:38:14 +07:00
< button class = "uk-button uk-button-secondary" uk-toggle = "target: #modal-import-preset" type = "button" >
< / button >
< / p >
< / li >
< li class = "uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom uk-container" >
< h3 class = "windows-only" > Auto start:< / h3 >
< label class = "windows-only" > < input class = "uk-checkbox" type = "checkbox" id = "start_at_boot" > When checked, Ryzen Controller will start on session start.< / label >
< h3 > Auto apply on launch:< / h3 >
< label > < input class = "uk-checkbox" type = "checkbox" id = "apply_last_settings_on_launch" > When checked, Ryzen Controller will try to apply latest used settings on launch.< / label >
< h3 > Minimize to tray:< / h3 >
< label > < input class = "uk-checkbox" type = "checkbox" id = "minimize_to_tray" > When checked, Ryzen Controller will minimize to tray instead of taskbar.< / label > < br >
< label > < input class = "uk-checkbox" type = "checkbox" id = "start_minimized" > When checked, Ryzen Controller will start minimized when you launch it.< / label >
< h3 class = "windows-only" > HPET:< / h3 >
< p class = "uk-margin windows-only" >
High Precision Event Timer: Allow application to get time with precision below microseconds, but is slower than most other other timer facilities.< br / >
Try running benchmark with and without to see if you get any difference.< br / >
If it doesn't make any difference, it's recommanded to let it enable.< br / >
< em > You must reboot to apply changes.< / em >
< / p >
< p class = "uk-margin windows-only" >
< button class = "uk-button uk-button-primary" onClick = "toggleHpet('true')" > Enable< / button >
< button class = "uk-button uk-button-secondary" onClick = "toggleHpet('false')" > Disable< / button >
< / p >
< h3 > Re-apply ryzenadj periodically:< / h3 >
< p > Ryzen Controller will re-apply ryzenadj every X seconds. Set to 0 to disable.< / p >
< div class = "uk-grid-small" uk-grid >
< div class = "uk-width-1-6" >
< input class = "uk-input" type = "number" min = "0" step = "10" max = "3600" value = "0" id = "reapply_periodically" repeat = "reapply_periodically_range" >
< / div >
< div class = "uk-width-expand" >
< input class = "uk-range" type = "range" min = "0" step = "10" max = "3600" value = "0" repeat = "reapply_periodically" id = "reapply_periodically_range" >
< / div >
2019-11-07 23:26:55 +07:00
< / div >
2020-01-02 16:38:14 +07:00
< h3 > Ryzenadj path:< / h3 >
< div class = "uk-grid-small" uk-grid >
< div class = "uk-width-2-3@s" >
< input class = "uk-input" type = "text" id = "ryzen_adj_path" >
< / div >
< div class = "uk-width-1-3@s" >
< button class = "uk-button uk-button-default uk-button-small" type = "button" onClick = "askingForRyzenAdjExecutablePath()" >
Select path to ryzenadj.exe
< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / li >
< li id = "release-tab" >
< webview style = "height:100%;" frameborder = "0" src = "https://gitlab.com/ryzen-controller-team/ryzen-controller/releases" > < / webview >
< / li >
< li class = "uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom uk-container" >
< textarea class = "uk-textarea" rows = "20" id = "logs" readonly > < / textarea >
< / li >
< li class = "uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom uk-container" >
< div >
< canvas id = "glcanvas" width = "0" height = "0" > < / canvas >
< h3 > System Infomation< / h3 >
< div id = "cpu" > < / div >
< div id = "cores" > < / div >
< div id = "cpuspeed" > < / div >
< div id = "gpu1" > < / div >
< div id = "memory" > < / div >
< div id = "platform" > < / div >
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< / div >
< / li >
< li class = "uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom uk-container" >
< div >
< h2 > Coming Soon< / h2 >
< / div >
< / li >
< / ul >
<!-- Add a preset modal -->
< div id = "modal-new-preset" uk-modal >
< div class = "uk-modal-dialog uk-modal-body" >
< h2 class = "uk-modal-title" > Save current settings to preset< / h2 >
< p > The current settings will be saved to a new preset. Give it a name then you'll be able to reapply it fastly from the preset tab.< / p >
< div class = "uk-margin" >
< input class = "uk-input" type = "text" id = "new_preset_name" placeholder = "Preset name: performance, low energy, unicorn power, ..." >
< / div >
< button class = "uk-button uk-button-primary uk-modal-close" type = "button" onClick = "preset_createNewPreset()" > Save< / button >
< button class = "uk-button uk-button-secondary uk-modal-close" type = "button" > Close< / button >
2019-11-07 23:26:55 +07:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-01-02 16:38:14 +07:00
<!-- Export preset modal -->
< div id = "modal-export-preset" uk-modal >
< div class = "uk-modal-dialog uk-modal-body" >
< h2 class = "uk-modal-title" > Export presets< / h2 >
< p > This is the data to be used by Ryzen Controller to import presets.< / p >
< div class = "uk-margin" >
< textarea class = "uk-textarea" rows = "5" id = "modal-export-preset-textarea" readonly > < / textarea >
< / div >
< button class = "uk-button uk-button-secondary uk-modal-close" type = "button" > Close< / button >
2019-11-07 23:26:55 +07:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-01-02 16:38:14 +07:00
<!-- Import preset modal -->
< div id = "modal-import-preset" uk-modal >
< div class = "uk-modal-dialog uk-modal-body" >
< h2 class = "uk-modal-title" > Import presets< / h2 >
< p > Paste here the presets and valid, your current presets will be merged with this.< / p >
< div class = "uk-margin" >
< textarea class = "uk-textarea" rows = "5" id = "modal-import-preset-textarea" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< button class = "uk-button uk-button-primary uk-modal-close" type = "button" onClick = "preset_import()" > Import< / button >
< button class = "uk-button uk-button-secondary uk-modal-close" type = "button" > Close< / button >
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< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
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< script >
< / script >
2019-11-07 23:26:55 +07:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "./js/preset.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "./js/methods.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "./js/app.js" > < / script >
2020-01-02 16:38:14 +07:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "./js/init.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "./js/menuHandler.js" > < / script >
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< / body >
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