mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 11:13:29 +07:00
521 lines
17 KiB
521 lines
17 KiB
* Will create a nodes from an html string.
* @param {string} str An html string
function parseHTML(str) {
var tmp = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
tmp.body.innerHTML = str;
return tmp.body.children;
* Return the current working directory.
function getCurrentWorkingDirectory() {
const cwd = require('electron').remote.app.getAppPath()
appendLog(`getCurrentWorkingDirectory(): ${cwd}`);
return cwd;
* Conversion from int to hex.
* @param {int} number A number.
function decimalToHexString(number) {
if (number < 0)
number = 0xFFFFFFFF + number + 1;
return number.toString(16).toUpperCase();
* Will execute the given callback once document is ready.
* @param {function} fn A callback to be executed.
function ready(fn) {
if (document.attachEvent ? document.readyState === "complete" : document.readyState !== "loading"){
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn);
* Will make sure inputs are repeated when needed.
* Use the "repeat" html attribute to define where the current value must be repeated.
function registerRepeaterForAllInput() {
var ranges = document.querySelectorAll('[repeat]');
for (const range in ranges) {
if (ranges.hasOwnProperty(range)) {
const element = ranges[range];
element.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
var repeater = document.getElementById(event.target.attributes.repeat.value);
repeater.value = event.target.value;
* Check that the app is running with admin right.
* Will display a warning if not.
function checkForAdminRights() {
if (require('os').platform() !== 'win32') {
const isRoot = process.getuid && process.getuid() === 0;
if (!isRoot) {
`Warning: you must launch this app as administrator.<br/>`
+ `Use "sudo ryzencontroller" from terminal to fix this.`
} else {
const child = require('child_process').execFile;
child('NET SESSION', function(err,so,se) {
if (se.length !== 0) {
`Warning: you should launch this app as administrator, `
+ `ryzenadj.exe doesn't seems to work correctly without administrator rights.`
* Will display a notification in ".notification-zone".
* @param {string} type "primary", "warning", "danger" or "success".
* @param {string} message The message to be displayed, new line will be replaced by <br/>.
function notification(type, message) {
appendLog(`notification(): ${type}\n${message}`);
message: (''+message).replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '<br/>'),
status: type,
pos: 'top-right',
timeout: 5000
* Will return the ryzenadj.exe path registered, or default one if not provided.
function getRyzenAdjExecutablePath() {
const settings = require('electron-settings');
var ryzen_adj_path = settings.get('settings.ryzen_adj_path');
if (!ryzen_adj_path && require('os').platform() === 'win32') {
ryzen_adj_path = getCurrentWorkingDirectory() + "\\bin\\ryzenadj.exe";
appendLog(`getRyzenAdjExecutablePath(): "${ryzen_adj_path}"`);
return ryzen_adj_path;
* Will fill settings page on render with saved data.
function preFillSettings() {
var ryzen_adj_path = document.getElementById('ryzen_adj_path');
var fs = require('fs');
ryzen_adj_path.value = getRyzenAdjExecutablePath();
if (!fs.existsSync(ryzen_adj_path.value)) {
notification('danger', "Path to ryzenadj.exe is wrong, please fix it in settings tab.");
const settings = require('electron-settings');
// document.getElementById('start_at_boot').checked = !!settings.get('settings.start_at_boot');
document.getElementById('apply_last_settings_on_launch').checked = !!settings.get('settings.apply_last_settings_on_launch');
document.getElementById('minimize_to_tray').checked = !!settings.get('settings.minimize_to_tray');
seconds = parseInt(settings.get('settings.reapply_periodically'));
seconds = seconds >= 0 ? seconds : 0;
document.getElementById('reapply_periodically').value = seconds;
document.getElementById('reapply_periodically_range').value = seconds;
* Will open a dialog to let user choose where is ryzenadj.exe.
function askingForRyzenAdjExecutablePath() {
var remote = require('electron').remote;
var dialog = remote.require('electron').dialog;
var path = dialog.showOpenDialog({
properties: ['openFile']
}, function (filePaths) {
if (typeof filePaths[0] !== 'undefined') {
const settings = require('electron-settings');
settings.set("settings", {
ryzen_adj_path: filePaths[0]
notification('primary', 'Path to ryzenAdj.exe has been saved.');
appendLog(`askingForRyzenAdjExecutablePath(): ${filePaths[0]}`);
} else {
notification('warning', 'No path given, nothing changed.');
* Will append logs to the logs tab.
* @param {string} message The message to be logged.
function appendLog(message) {
var log_area = document.getElementById('logs');
log_area.value += message + "\n";
* Will save the latest used settings.
function saveLatestUsedSettings() {
var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('#controller-tab input');
var latest_controller_tabs_settings = {};
inputs.forEach(element => {
let id = element.id;
let value = element.value;
latest_controller_tabs_settings[id] = value;
const settings = require('electron-settings');
let ret = settings.set("latest_controller_tabs_settings", latest_controller_tabs_settings);
appendLog(`saveLatestUsedSettings(): ${JSON.stringify(latest_controller_tabs_settings)}`);
appendLog(`saveLatestUsedSettings(): ${JSON.stringify(ret)}`);
* Will load the latest settings and refresh the controller tab's values.
* Will also apply latest settings if settings.apply_last_settings_on_launch is true.
function loadLatestUsedSettings() {
const settings = require('electron-settings');
var latest_controller_tabs_settings = settings.get("latest_controller_tabs_settings");
appendLog(`loadLatestUsedSettings(): ${JSON.stringify(latest_controller_tabs_settings)}`);
for (const id in latest_controller_tabs_settings) {
if (latest_controller_tabs_settings.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
const value = latest_controller_tabs_settings[id];
let input = document.getElementById(id);
if (input) {
input.value = value;
if (document.isStarting && settings.get('settings.apply_last_settings_on_launch')) {
* Listen settings tab inputs to save their values.
function registerEventListenerForSettingsInput() {
const settings = require('electron-settings');
var apply_last_settings_on_launch = document.getElementById('apply_last_settings_on_launch');
apply_last_settings_on_launch.addEventListener('change', function() {
settings.set('settings', {
apply_last_settings_on_launch: !!apply_last_settings_on_launch.checked
var minimize_to_tray = document.getElementById('minimize_to_tray');
minimize_to_tray.addEventListener('change', function() {
settings.set('settings', {
minimize_to_tray: !!minimize_to_tray.checked
var reapply_periodically = document.getElementById('reapply_periodically');
reapply_periodically.addEventListener('change', function() {
settings.set('settings', {
reapply_periodically: reapply_periodically.value
// var start_at_boot = document.getElementById('start_at_boot');
// start_at_boot.addEventListener('change', function() {
// settings.set('settings', {
// ...settings.get('settings'),
// start_at_boot: !!start_at_boot.checked
// });
// require('electron').remote.app.setLoginItemSettings({ openAtLogin: !!start_at_boot.checked });
// });
* Simply display version in appropriate zone.
function displayVersion() {
const pjson = require('./package.json');
document.getElementById('version').innerHTML = `v${pjson.version}`;
* Re-apply flow for "reapply_periodically" settings.
* @param {number} seconds Interval in seconds between each apply.
function reApplyPeriodically(seconds) {
seconds = parseInt(seconds) >= 0 ? parseInt(seconds) : 0;
appendLog(`reApplyPeriodically(): seconds = ${seconds}`);
appendLog(`reApplyPeriodically(): document.reapplyLoop = ${document.reapplyLoop}`);
document.reapplyLoop = false;
if (seconds <= 0) {
if (!document.isStarting) {
notification('primary', "Ryzen Controller no more will re-apply ryzenadj periodically.");
document.reapplyLoop = setInterval(applyRyzenSettings, seconds * 1000);
* Display tooltip on each options.
function displayOptionDescription() {
const options_description = require('./js/options_description.json');
for (const option in options_description) {
if (options_description.hasOwnProperty(option)) {
const description = options_description[option];
const node = document.getElementById(option).parentElement.parentElement;
node.setAttribute('uk-tooltip', description);
* Will recreate shortcut on launch ... no other solution for now :(
function recreateShortcut() {
const settings = require('electron-settings');
if (!!settings.get('settings.first_launch')) {
let app = require('electron').remote.app;
let fs = require('fs');
try {
var shortcut_path = app.getPath('desktop') + "\\Ryzen Controller";
fs.unlink(shortcut_path, console.log);
fs.symlink(app.getPath('exe'), shortcut_path, function (err) {
if (err) {
notification("danger", "Shortcut can't be created, please check log tabs for more info.");
appendLog(`recreateShortcut(): ${err}`);
else {
notification('primary', "A shortcut has been created on desktop.");
} catch (error) {
appendLog(`recreateShortcut() ${error}`);
* Will return an object completed with the current settings from inputs.
* @param {string} keyType "inputId" or "ryzenadjArgs"
function getCurrentSettings(keyType) {
if (keyType === "ryzenadjArgs") {
return {
"--stapm-limit=": document.getElementById('stapm_limit_w').value,
"--fast-limit=": document.getElementById('ppt_fast_limit_w').value,
"--slow-limit=": document.getElementById('ppt_slow_limit_w').value,
"--tctl-temp=": document.getElementById('temperature_limit_c').value,
"--vrmmax-current=": document.getElementById('vrm_current_m_a').value,
"--min-fclk-frequency=": document.getElementById('min_fclk_frequency').value,
"--max-fclk-frequency=": document.getElementById('max_fclk_frequency').value,
} else {
var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('#controller-tab input');
var currentSettings = {};
inputs.forEach(element => {
let id = element.id;
let value = element.value;
currentSettings[id] = value;
return currentSettings;
* Will save the current settings to a new preset.
function saveToNewPreset() {
const settingsToBeSaved = getCurrentSettings("inputId");
const currentPresets = require('electron-settings').get('presets') || {};
var newPresetName = document.getElementById('new_preset_name').value;
if (!newPresetName) {
notification('danger', 'You must provide a preset name.');
if (typeof currentPresets[newPresetName] !== "undefined") {
newPresetName = findUnusedNewPresetName(newPresetName);
notification('warning', `This preset name already exist, your preset has been saved with the name "${newPresetName}".`);
const newPresetList = {
[newPresetName]: settingsToBeSaved,
require('electron-settings').set('presets', newPresetList);
appendLog(`saveToNewPreset(): Saved preset ${newPresetName}, ${JSON.stringify(newPresetList)}`);
if (newPresetName === document.getElementById('new_preset_name').value) {
notification('success', `The preset ${newPresetName} has been saved.`);
* This recursive function will return an available preset name to be used to save a preset.
* @param {string} newPresetName The preset name to be edited.
* @param {number} suffix The preset name suffix
function findUnusedNewPresetName(newPresetName, suffix = 1) {
const currentPresets = require('electron-settings').get('presets') || {};
if (typeof currentPresets[`${newPresetName}${suffix}`] !== "undefined") {
return findUnusedNewPresetName(newPresetName, suffix);
return `${newPresetName}${suffix}`;
* This will update the preset tab based on saved presets.
function updatePresetList() {
var presetTab = document.getElementById('presetTab');
const currentPresets = require('electron-settings').get('presets') || {};
var content = '';
content += '<ul class="uk-list">';
if (Object.keys(currentPresets).length === 0) {
content += `<li>No preset has been created yet, use "Save to preset" button on Controller tab to create one.</li>`;
for (const presetName in currentPresets) {
if (currentPresets.hasOwnProperty(presetName)) {
const preset = currentPresets[presetName];
let valueSummary = [];
for (const key in preset) {
if (preset.hasOwnProperty(key) && key.indexOf('_range') !== -1) {
const value = preset[key];
valueSummary.join(', ');
content += `
<li class="uk-margin">
<span class="uk-text-lead">${presetName}</span>
<i class="uk-text-small">${valueSummary}</i>
<button class="uk-button uk-button-danger uk-align-right" type="button" onClick="presetDeletion('${presetName}')">
<button class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-align-right" type="button" onClick="applyPreset('${presetName}')">
content += '</ul>';
presetTab.innerHTML = content;
* This will apply the preset you asked for.
* @param {string} presetName The preset name to be applied.
function applyPreset(presetName) {
const presets = require('electron-settings').get(`presets.${presetName}`);
appendLog(`applyPreset(): preset ${presetName}: ${JSON.stringify(presets)}`);
var ret = require('electron-settings').set("latest_controller_tabs_settings", presets);
appendLog(`applyPreset(): saved preset: ${JSON.stringify(ret)}`);
* This will delete the preset you asked for.
* @param {string} presetName The preset name to be deleted.
function presetDeletion(presetName) {
var presets = require('electron-settings').get(`presets`);
delete presets[presetName];
require('electron-settings').set(`presets`, presets);
notification('success', `The preset ${presetName} has been deleted.`);
* Will check for new release.
function checkForNewRelease() {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
const version = require('./package.json').version;
request.open('GET', 'https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/11046417/releases', true);
request.onload = function() {
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) {
var resp = JSON.parse(this.response);
if (resp[0].tag_name !== version) {
notification('primary', "A new vesion is available, please check the release tab.");
* Will change the BCD entry value for userplatformclock.
* @param {string} value BCD entry value for userplatformclock: "true" or "false".
function toggleHpet(value) {
value = value === "true" ? "true" : "false";
const BcdeditExecutablePath = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\bcdedit.exe";
const parameters = [
const child = require('child_process').execFile;
child(BcdeditExecutablePath, parameters, function(err, data) {
var output = data.toString();
if (err) {
notification('danger', err + '<br/>' + output);
else if (output) {
notification('success', 'Bcdedit output:<br/>' + output);
function handlePlatformSpecificDisplay() {
var windows_only_elements = document.getElementsByClassName('windows-only');
if (require('os').platform() !== 'win32') {
for (const item of windows_only_elements) {
item.setAttribute('hidden', 'true');